This can be a fruit cake that's much like Collin Street Bakery. It was my mother's recipe she managed to get every Christmas and those that didn't such as the typical fruit cake loved that one. It doesn't have ginger root or another fruit which has a strange taste (I am unable to recall the title).
This cake is much more nuts than fruit it's costly to create. But it's great.
3 packages (8 oz . each) dates
1 lb. candied pineapple
1 lb. candied cherries
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
8 cups pecans (may use 4 cups pecans and 4 cups walnuts)
Pecan halves and candied cherries (for garnish)
Light corn syrup (for brushing top(s)
Pre-heat oven to 275 levels F. Grease two (9 by 5 by 3-inch) loaf pans a treadmill tube pan with butter and line with parchment paper, then grease paper.
Put dates, pineapple and cherries in large bowl.
Put flour baking powder and salt in sifter and sift onto fruit. Mix well with hands until well covered. Put aside.
Beat eggs until creamy progressively beat in sugar. Increase fruit mix well with large spoon. Add nuts and blend with hands until covered.
Pack into prepared pan(s) pressing with palms of hands. Decorate top with cherries and nuts (may use cherry as center and 5 pecan halves around to create flower)
Bake inside a 275 degree F oven - loaves for 1 1/2 hrs or tube pan for 1 1/4 hrs. Remove from oven let get up on rack a few minutes, then come out on rack and remove paper.
Turn top side up and brush with light corn syrup. Awesome.
Wrap loosely in foil and store in airtight in awesome place several days.